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Life Sutra – A deep Transformation Workshop

Looking for a manual that could help you change and design your life past, present and future? Then Life-Sutra – a deep transformation workshop is the program for you. An intensive and immersive program, Life-Sutra  is a retreat program that helps you evolve multi dimensionally. Set in natural and beautiful settings, rejuvenating yourself mentally and physically, immersing yourself in self work, you use techniques drawn from Inner-Child Healing, Energy Healing, NLP, Life Planning, TA and Deep relaxation. This results in rewiring and reshaping your conscious and sub-conscious, your past, present and future leading to a life enhancement that seems almost impossible.

An experience aimed at clearing past baggage, present drawbacks and limited future, Life-Sutra takes you deep into your subconscious as you work with past memories that are holding you back in life. The mental patterns that result in limiting beliefs or self sabotage drop away as you change the experience in your subconscious and embed powerful and empowering believes. The limited planning that you have for your future opens up as you explore options and set goals that inspire and motivate you to a boundless life.

If you want a conscious, boundless, abundant life then Life-Sutra is where you start. It gives you a wholistic blend of techniques that work with your energy and psychology, your conscious and subconscious, left and right brain aimed to help you get the transformation that you crave. It changes the entire way you view, plan and live your life. If you want to invest in yourself to reward yourself with your dream life then this is the program for you.

How does Life-Sutra work?

Life-Sutra is a comprehensive program that combines various healing and therapeutic, modalities like NLP, Energy healing, Inner Child healing, Balanced Life planning and Deep Relaxation Therapy to give you a transformation in every area of your life. With the kind of self-work this program involves truly no aspect of your life is left untouched. Whether a past trauma or a present limitation, you heal everything to move towards the life you visualize. A residential program, Life-Sutra, gives you an immersive experience combining mental, physical and energetic workouts to heal you at every level, with a like-minded tribe. The rest we leave to nature as the retreat always, always is in the best that nature has to offer.

What will you learn?

  • Understand and work with the 4 different dimensions of your being
  • Heal Ace’s and trauma’s and bring about psychic integration
  • Work with the complete mind (conscious/subconscious, left/right)
  • Identify and change disempowering perceptions, memories & behaviour
  • End over-thinking and overreaction
  • Change limiting beliefs and patterns
  • Gain clarity about your unconscious relationship patterns
  • Inner-child healing/Tarot session
  • Visualize and plan 10 Life aspects
  • Trek/beachcomb, Meditation/Yoga
  • Music & Dance/Games, Art therapy