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About Shradha

Shradha Murarka is the founder of Anandkalika and an NFNLP US certified Life Coach & Transformation Trainer. She is also an experienced Psychotherapist, Certified Energy Healer and Mindfulness therapist. She has an integrated approach to training and therapy as she believes everyone is a unique combination of their energy, thought, feelings and behaviour and all of these have to be balanced for an individual to be comfortable within himself and with the world. To get desired results she uses techniques that work with programming the conscious and the subconscious mind and clear energy blockages that results in resetting limiting patterns within the persons subconscious and energy.

Over the last 25 years, she has coached and trained thousands of people to achieve personal and professional life goals. She conducts individual programs of varying durations and depths which are in person, online or residential to suit the different requirements of her clients. Shradha also conducts couples and parent – children programs to help build understanding, trust and respect in relationships using NLP and Energy Techniques. All her programs are practical and technique based, focusing on application rather than theory and jargon. Her Life coaching and Transformation Training sessions have empowered the way participants relate to themselves and to others in their lives, whether in a personal or a professional setting.

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