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Adjustment Test


Rs. 4000

An Adjustment test is used to see how well a person copes or adjusts to his environment. In psychology, adjustment refers to the behavioural process of balancing conflicting needs, or needs challenged by obstacles in the environment. Successful adjustment is crucial to having a high quality of life. A well-adjusted person has better inter-personal and social skills, is more successful professionally /academically and has better relationships

Those who are unable to adjust well are more likely to have clinical anxiety or depression, as well as experience feelings of hopelessness, difficulty concentrating, sleeping problems and reckless behaviour.

Adjustment Test

The Adjustment test we use is Global Adjustment scale which measures a student’s or adult’s adjustment in 6 different areas like

1. Family relationships

2. Health

3. Social Environment

4. Emotions

5. School / Work

6. Sex / Marital behaviour

In case the scores show a maladjustment in any area supportive coaching can be availed to understand the reason and to help you change your perspective, find more resources or options and learn better adjustment skills.

Procedure of Adjustment Test

Before the Adjustment test the client and spouse/parent go through a coaching session to understand the problems the client is facing, the reasons etc. This is followed by the actual test and ends with a session where the results are discussed. In case of disturbed findings this might be followed by future sessions as discussed and decided by the client and the therapist.

Who is an Adjustment Test for

The Adjustment test is useful for people who are facing any kind of problems related to work, academics or relationships and cannot understand why. It can also be useful with a person who has a low self-esteem or keeps feeling stuck in life. The scores of this test give a framework for coaching by pin-pointing the areas which need work and better options to deal with them. It can be used with children and adult alike.