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Do you want a better life? Do you know what the better life is?

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Get the transformation you need to lead an effective and successful life

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Psychometric Tests

Map your IQ, EQ or adjustment. Aptitude, Interest & Personality testing for Career Guidance

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Why Coaching/Training?

  • Get clarity about present situations
  • Vividly visualise the desired future
  • Get awareness of restraints and drawbacks
  • Explore resources and benefits
  • Learn conscious and subconscious skills & techniques
  • Application and review

About Shradha Murarka

━ Over 25 years of empowering people through Life coaching and Transformation training

━ Because every individual is more than just the mind or the body or the thought or the emotion

━ If you have the will, we will find a way is our motto. Our success rate is over 98%



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